18:33 - Friday, August 24
Slovenia's first ever world champion
Last year Kerestes Kreso was a name not so well known in the orienteering world. This year he has won the first gold medal for anybody from Slovenia in any of the orienteering disciplines when he won the Open class over 2 days of competition at the World Trail Orienteering Championships (WTOC).
“I would have been satisfied even I had been among the five best, and just now am I still a bit tired after the competition. I think I will get a greater feeling about the victory later”, he says.
The course was really challenging with a lot of difficult controls on the second day of the open class at the WTOC. Kreso has a lot of experience. He tried trail orienteering back in 1992 and he is used to different terrain.
The 37-year-old Slovenian didn't worry much about the hot weather (38 degrees today) either. “The warm weather didn't mean anything for me”, he says.
The winners at the championships have been quite young. Roberta Falda, the Italian winner on Wednesday, is 35 years old.
Krešo, svaka ti čast i jako smo sretni svi mi koji te poznamo i koji se srećemo s tobom na brojnim PRE-O utrkama.
Hvala svima na čestitkama!
OdgovoriIzbrišiJako sam sretan ... Ali svi se sad več boje hrvatske reprezentacije u Češkoj sledeće godine kad jim kažem da je u Hrvatskoj teško pobjediti. ;-)
Zbog toga zahvaljujem pogotovo i svima u Hrvatskoj koji se trudite u preciznoj orijentaciji jer je taj rezultat bio postignut i s vašim trudom sa pripremanjem pre-o trka za ukupnu ligu.
Trudit ću se da pripremim reportažu o našim doživljajima u Kijevu koju ćete uskoro moći čitati na klubskim stranicama OK Trzin - www.oktrzin-klub.si.
Nadam se da se vidimo na Slovenskom državnom prvenstvu u pre-o u Trzinu (16. 9.).