petak, 17. kolovoza 2007.


Nakon par dana naganjanja sa simpatičnom ekipom U.A.E evo me ponovo u ofisu.
Ima dost toga novega, a kaj se dotiče svjeckog rješen je prostor za stranice i one su vam po najnovejšeme na adresi
Sadržaj stranica se puni, a zasad gore postoje ranije arhive. U buduče su to službene stranice kaj se tiče vojne orjentacije olaraund vorld, a u planu je na njih postaviti sve ranije sadržaje sa održanih svjeckih prvenstava.
Inače ima nekih novina na Worofo koje Jan ponovo uvodi, no da ne pričam puno evo njegovog dopisa kojeg nam je slao:

World of O Press Release - August 16th 2007
World of O launches "World of O Ranking"
Just in time for the start of WOC in Ukraine the coming Saturday, World of O today launches its new ranking scheme for the worlds orienteering elite. The World of O Ranking is designed to tell who is the best orienteer - both in each discipline and overall - when it really counts! Points for different results are set based on a type of "The WOC winner takes it all"-scheme - giving a lot more credit for a gold medal compared to a silver medal - and very little points when you are out of the top 10.

Niggli and Gueorgiou/Wingstedt on top
The World of O Ranking is designed to tell who is the best orienteer when it really counts! Points for different results are set based on this - giving a lot more credit for a gold medal compared to silver medal - and very little points when you are out of the top 10. As expected, Thierry Gueorgiou and Simone Niggli top the rankings, but Gueorgiou has to split his lead with Emil Wingstedt due to his "failure" at WOC last year. Simone Niggli is unbeatable on the ranking in all disciplines - whereas Gueorgiou, Wingstedt and Jani Lakanen each have the lead in one ranking - middle, spring and long respectively.

Ranking men overall:
Ranking women overall:
About ranking:

Supplement to the IOF World Ranking
The World of O Ranking is seen as a supplement to the IOF World Ranking. The main difference is that only the important races count in the World of O Ranking, and that there is a big difference between good and not that good results. If a runner is 4 times number 4 - always close to the winner - it would give the runner a good position on the IOF World Ranking, but both the history books and the World of O Ranking would be less kind to the runner.

Furthermore, the World of O Ranking ranks the runners in each discipline - giving separate sprint, middle and long distance rankings. Due to the specialization evident in orienteering these days, separate rankings in the different disciplines makes a lot of sense. And lastly - and not least - the World of O Ranking is coupled to pictures, short biographies and video clips of the runners - letting the reader get all they need to know in one place.

In addition to being a supplement to the IOF World Ranking, the World of O Ranking will also be a very good supplement to the World of O Runners database, which was previously only sorted on country and alphabet - making it difficult to pinpoint the most interesting runners from each country.

Point calculations
The following calculation scheme is used for the World of O Ranking:

1. WOC Gold is the highest possible achievement in orienteering - giving the maxium number of points, 1000.

2. A Gold medal is worth a lot more than a silver, but not as much as twice the value. Thus point values for silver and bronze medals are set to 750 and 500 points.

3. Being outside the medals is no fun - thus a bronze medal is set to be twice as much worth as a 4th place - giving 250 points for the 4th place.

4. Each place you loose within the top 10 counts quite a lot, thus you loose 10% of the points from positions 5 to 11.

5. From number 12 and down, you only loose 1 percent of the points for each position - thus there is not much difference e.g. between a 16th and 17th place.

6. It is evident that last years achievements can not count as much as this years. Currently, the value of last years results are set to 50% of this years results, and halving the number of points againg for 2005 and 2004.

7. In addition to WOC, the other major international races EOC, NOC, WC and JWOC count in the ranking. WOC results are currently set to be twice as much worth as EOC results and four times as much worth as NOC results. JWOC results are set to be worth 5 percent of WOC results.

8. Relay results are generally set to be worth 25% of individual races, and only top 6 results give points.

9. The 5 best races count in the overall ranking - the four best races count in the discipline rankings.

Here are a few example calculations:
  • Gold in WOC 2006 gives 1000 points (gold) * 0.5 (for 2006) = 500 points
  • Gold in WC race 2007 gives 1000 points (gold) * 0.25 (for WOC) = 250 points
  • 4th place in NOC 2007 gives 250 points (4th place) * (0.2 NOC) = 50 points
  • Gold in JWOC 2006 gives 1000 points (gold) * 0.05 (for JWOC) * 0.5 (for 2006) = 25 points
Questions about the World of O Ranking
Any questions about the World of O Ranking can be sent to

Best regards,
Jan Kocbach
World of O

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